Call a Plumbing Contractor if You Experience These Small Toilet Issues

Seemingly Small Toilet Problems That Can Have Big Consequences

While many issues, like a clogged toilet or a toilet that won’t flush, are evident, others are less so. However, many minor bathroom issues could be signs of more serious issues. They can result in even more serious issues if not addressed. While some toilet issues are plain to see, others frequently need to be addressed or addressed until they become more serious. Contact a plumbing contractor if your toilet exhibits any of these issues.

Continue reading about minor toilet issues that should not be disregarded.


Do not disregard the gurgling sound from your toilet bowl if it is not being flushed; this sound is usually indicative of a much more serious plumbing issue. Clogged vent stacks and main sewer lines are two plumbing issues that can make a toilet gurgle. Sewer fumes can leave your house through a pipe called a vent stack.


You could occasionally see moisture outside your toilet and disregard it. When the water in your toilet tank is relatively cool and the air inside the bathroom is hot and humid condensation forms. The humidity in the air is deposited on the exterior of the toilet tank when warm, wet air meets a cool toilet exterior. Toilet sweating describes the buildup of condensation on a toilet’s outside. While toilets can sweat year-round when homeowners take hot, steamy showers and conduct other activities in the bathroom that keep the air warm and moist, toilets seem to sweat more frequently in the hot summer months.


You might assume that the swaying of your toilet, which was once firmly fastened to the bathroom floor, is only a small annoyance. However, a toilet that is not firmly secured to the floor poses a risk to your family and your house. Unseen water leaks around the bottoms of loose, wobbling toilets are common and can bring dangerous sewer fumes into a house.

Looking for a plumbing contractor in Everett, WA? Reach out Pro Flow Plumbing & Sewers for the job. Call (425) 243-9566 for quality plumbing services!

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